Your insurance rates could be going up for a number or reason. Here are a list of our most common ones.
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Why are my Insurance Rates so High?
At-Fault Accidents
If an insurance company considered you responsible for causing an accident, you are listed as the at-fault party. This, in addition to any citations you may have received, may impact your insurance premium.
Speeding Tickets
Not all speeding tickets are equal. Some hurt you more when it comes to insurance than others. Speeding is considered a less severe violation and therefore has a smaller impact on your insurance premiums.
Poor Credit
You may be wondering why your credit can influence your cars insurance risk level, but your credit score can provide insight to how financially responsible you are.
Your age could have an impact on your driving experience. If you are a teenage driver, you are viewed as high-risk due to your inexperience and lack of history of insurance. If you are an older driver, you could also be viewed as high-risk, which could result in higher insurance premiums.
It may come as a surprise to some, but insurance is priced by zip code. The address where you live can impact your premium regardless of your driving record. Every state has its own regulations, which may also impact car insurance rates.
Insurance History
Have you had gaps in your auto insurance coverage? Drivers who have not had gaps in coverage are seen as more financially responsible than those with interruptions in their car insurance histories. The more financially responsible your car insurance company sees you as, the lower your premium. There are also some insurance companies who will not provide coverage to drivers who haven’t maintained continuous coverage for the past six months.
Vehicle Use
If your vehicle is used for business purposes, such as for ridesharing or commercial purposes, your insurance company may not cover you. The more you use your vehicle, the higher the risk is that it may be damaged. Your insurance premium may also be affected by the density of the area you drive in and the number of miles you drive.
Vehicle Type
Some vehicles may be considered by car insurance companies as riskier than others. If you own a high-performance vehicle, you may be charged a higher premium.